Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday update

Our dad is doing a bit better today. He's now on a regular diet and is eating a wide variety of foods (low salt and sugar of course). He had a tough time holding down food yesterday... but, has done quite a bit better today. His white blood cell count is gradually coming down and the doctor's are working on locating the cause. He had a CT of his belly area and the doctor's did not find any infection. They had him scheduled for another scan for today.
He is a bit confused and unclear of why he is in the hospital (his response keeps changing when we ask him why he is in the hospital). I think once he's out of the hospital and is able to sleep better he'll improve a lot more. We're still working on finding a rehab facility here locally that will accept him. A few of the local places are full and others have turned him down (because he's too much for them in his current condition). The social worker at Harborview is working with a place in Grandview and another in Sunnyside.. if they don't work out.. I'm assuming we'll start looking in the Spokane area. Anyway, he's still got a long road of recovery ahead of him. Cards (and letters) to him would be greatly appreciated. I will post an update when we know when/where he will be transferred to (visitors would be wonderful!). Thanks for all of your continued thoughts and prayers! :)

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