Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Today is our dad's 60th birthday. If you have a moment please call him and let him know you're thinking about him. 206-744-6574 (his direct #). He's still at Harborview unfortunately.. we're still working hard to find a place that will take him. My mom and grandma contacted Avalon (in Pasco-where my Aunt Betsy lives) this morning.. and they are going to consider him again. Insurance doesn't want to pay for him to stay in the hospital any longer.. so, the insurance company is working with the social worker at Harborview to find a place for him. I will post more info as soon as I know more. :)


Friends of Pat O'Lynch said...

Happy Birthday! Terry tried to call yesterday, but could not get an answer.
Terry and Shelley Grimshaw

Annie said...

Happy Birthday Pat!


Annie (Terry and Shelley's daughter) and family